Local Academy Councils play a very important role in the Trust. LAC members are the local eyes and ears and the champions of educational standards in the school, providing support and challenge to the Headteacher, helping our schools to provide the best possible education for our fabulous children and young people and making them a great place to work for our staff.
You may be a member of the community, interested in joining a LAC as a Trust-appointed member, or you may be a parent of a child in one of our schools, interested in supporting the school by joining their LAC.
All LAC members are expected to attend our meetings which take place four times per year in the early evening for 2 hours. Ahead of each meeting, reports and policies are circulated by email that we ask you to read in advance. In addition to formal meetings, LAC members are expected to have at least two other ‘contact points’ with their school – these could be attending an event or celebration, carrying out a school visit or meeting with a leader about their particular area of responsibility. Where capacity allows, LAC members are particularly encouraged to visit the school during the working day, to get to know the school, see policy in practice and look in more detail at particular development priorities, and to feed back to the LAC on what they find. You may also be asked to be involved as a member of an interview panel for staff in your school or one of the other schools in the Trust.
All Members, Trustees and LAC members must adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles)
- Selflessness
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Accountability
- Openness
- Honesty
- Leadership
For more information on the role of the LACs, see the Local Academy Council page of our Trust website, or the page on the website of the relevant school.
If you are interested in joining a LAC, or would like more details about the role and commitment expected, please complete the below Expression of Interest form and return it to governance@fet.ac